The Legacy Fund previously known as the "990 Club" is how we grow our reserve fund which is dedicated to the sustainability of our League. We need to continue to grow the Legacy Fund so in the future Junior League of Pueblo can eventually form a true Endowment Fund. The long-term goal of an Endowment fund is so we can maintain our level of service to our community, even in times of economic struggle, as that is the time our community will need us the most. The Junior League of Pueblo has established itself among the preeminent volunteer organizations in our community and we need your continued support to maintain that standard. Gifts to the Legacy Fund are held in a Money Market account. Once this fund grows and is converted to the Endowment Fund the League will invest those funds. That fund will grow and provide long-term financial security and protect the viability of the Junior League of Pueblo.


Thanks so much for your donation to our future endowment fund!

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